They Came Up and Laid Hands on Jesus

They Came Up and Laid Hands on Jesus

Passage: Matthew 26:47-56
Service Type:

BIG IDEA: You’ll either trust more in the arm of flesh (human strength), or in the LORD your God.

  1. Judas trusts the arm of flesh and fortifies. (v.47-50)
    • He trusts in “a great crowd with swords and clubs.”
  2. Peter trusts the arm of flesh and fights. (v.51-53)
    • He trusts in “his sword.”
  3. Jesus trusts His Father and foregoes. (v.54-56a)
    • He trusts in His Father’s will.
  4. The disciples trust the arm of flesh and flee. (v.56b)
    • They trust in themselves.

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