Stand Firm Thus in the Lord Big Idea: For the citizen of heaven, Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord. *So / Therefore / In light of that… Stand firm in the Lord (v1) In the face of persecution In the face of temptation Have the same mindset in the Lord. (v. 2, 3) For the sake of the gospel. Partnership in the Gospel 1 views You may also like Join in Imitating Me Partnership in the Gospel 49:53 The Prize of the Upward Call of God Partnership in the Gospel 52:13 The Righteousness from God That Depends on Faith, Part 2 Partnership in the Gospel 39:21 The Righteousness from God That Depends on Faith, part 1 Partnership in the Gospel 54:12 Honor Such Men Partnership in the Gospel 46:45 Among Whom You Shine as Lights in the World Partnership in the Gospel 39:17 For it is God Who Works in You Partnership in the Gospel