Big Idea: We can experience God's love.
Our search for significance as found in Psalm 8.
The Big Idea: "Suffering is part of God's Strategy for making known to the world who Christ is, how he loves, and how much he is worth" (John Piper)
The Big Idea: Revitalizing our worship comes from remembering God's Word and Works. 4 Reasons we can sing a "new song" to the Lord God's Character God's Power and Sovereignty…
BIG IDEA: There are things we can do to grow closer to Christ.
The Big Idea: God restores the contrite.
In this special sermon, we study Psalm 1 as God teaches us about the Righteous and the Wicked.
The Big Idea: God desires contrite hearts.
In a special sermon today from Pastor Mike Gleason, we learn about the True Test of Distress.
The Big Idea: We are saved completely by God's grace alone, through Christ alone, by faith alone and not by any of our works. God gets all the glory for…