The Royal Lineage

The Royal Lineage

Passage: Matthew 1:1-17
Service Type:

The Big Idea: Jesus is the One you're waiting for.  Join us as we start a new sermon series on the book of Matthew. We invite you to listen today as we learn about the 6 reasons Matthew starts with the genealogy of Jesus.


  1. I just re-listened to this morning’s sermon. I came to know that Jesus is the one I was waiting for in May of 1970 when I was 31 years old after driving across the desert of New Mexico from Dallas where I was in graduate school to Santa Barbara. There, alone in my Motel 6 room, I repented for having gone back on my childhood commitment to Jesus. Since then I have followed him by his mercy and grace until now, thanks be to God.–David Haddon

    • Praise God! I’m so grateful He pursued you as one of His own and that, “if we are faithless, he remains faithful—
      for he cannot deny himself.” (2Tim.2:13)

  2. Wow what a great sermon Josh.I sure have a lot to learn.thank you. I want more…
    God bless you

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