The Big Idea: We owe Jesus adoration for His glory. In our special Christmas series, "Come Let Us Adore Him," Pastor Josh teaches us two initial reasons we should adore…
BIG IDEA: Receive what Jesus receives. Pastor Josh outlines from our text three things that must be received.
The Big Idea: God equips us as we step out in faith.
The Big Idea: The Two Shall Become One Flesh. Please join us today as we continue our series in the Gospel of Matthew, Discovering King Jesus. Today, Pastor Josh teaches…
The Big Idea: Forgiven people keep forgiving. In our continuing series in the book of Matthew, Pastor Josh teaches three reasons Christians keep forgiving.
The Big Idea: God's people are partners in God's shepherding work. Please join us today for our continuing series in the book of Matthew. Today, in part 2 of Matthew…
The Big Idea: Disciples are partners in God's shepherding work. Please join us today for our continuing series in the book of Matthew. Today, in part 1 of Matthew 18:17-20,…
BIG IDEA: Not One 'little one' will perish.
THE BIG IDEA: Cut off the source of the stumbling. We invite you to join us today in our verse-by-verse series through the book of Matthew. Today, we learn 3…
THE BIG IDEA: The kingdom of heaven is not for the ‘great.’ In today's sermon from Discovering King Jesus, our series in the book of Matthew, we learn how 3…