The Big Idea: Jesus comes to be first in your life. Join us today for part 50 of our series in Matthew, "Discovering King Jesus." Today we learn 3 contenders…
Big Idea: God forgives.
The Big Idea: Don't fear people. We invite you to join us today for our continuing series in the book of Matthew, "Discovering King Jesus." Today we learn 3 reasons…
The big idea: The mission of Jesus includes opposition and persecution. In part 48 of our series in Matthew, "Discovering King Jesus", we learn 4 reasons for persecution.
Big Idea: Jesus shares His mission. We invite you to listen to part 47 of our verse-by-verse series through the Gospel of Matthew, Discovering King Jesus. Today we learn five…
The Big Idea: God uses ordinary people. We invite you to listen today to part 46 of our series in Matthew, "Discovering King Jesus." Today we learn 4 observations about…
Big Idea: People are harassed and helpless without Jesus. In part 45 of our verse-by-verse series through the book of Matthew, Paster Josh teaches us five components of compassion.
Big Idea: You're either for Jesus, or against Him. In part 44 of our continuing series in the Gospel of Matthew, we learn three responses to Jesus.
The Big Idea: Faith persists after Jesus. Join us today to listen to part 43 of our series, Discovering King Jesus. Today we learn 4 realities persistent faith embraces.
The Big Idea: Faith is our conduit of kingdom power. Definition of Faith: Believing Jesus' power to save. We invite you to join us for part 42 of our series…