The Big Idea: Jesus pleased God. We invite you to join us today to listen to part 7 of our expository series in Matthew, "Discovering King Jesus". Today we learn…
The Big Idea: Bear good fruit. We invite you to join us as we continue with our series in Matthew, Discovering King Jesus. Today we learn about two dead-end detours…
The Big Idea: The King is on His way! We invite you to join us today for part 5 of our series in the book of Matthew, Discovering King Jesus.…
BIG IDEA: What God purposes to pass, He brings to pass. We invite you to join us today for part 4 of our expositional series in Matthew called, Discovering King…
The Big Idea: Remember how He told you. We invite you to join us this morning for our special Easter service. "He is not here, but has risen. Remember how…
The Big Idea: in these uncertain times, it is important to remember the certainty of God's salvation He offers to us and in whom that salvation rests.
The Big Idea: The way to Jesus is clear to those who come to worship him. We invite you to listen to part 3 of our verse by verse series…
We invite you to join us today for part 2 of our series in Matthew, Discovering King Jesus. Today, Matthew teaches us about the origin story of the incarnate Jesus…
The Big Idea: Jesus is the One you're waiting for. Join us as we start a new sermon series on the book of Matthew. We invite you to listen today…
BIG IDEA: Love is the mark of God’s people.