BIG IDEA: Take heed. Five features of this story to ‘take heed’ of: The preparation for Peter’s downfall. The revelation of Peter’s delicateness. The escalation of Peter’s denials. The recognition…
BIG IDEA: You will see. Peter follows Him to see the end. (v.57-58) The chief priests and the whole Council conspire against Him to see Him put to death. (v.59-63a)…
BIG IDEA: You’ll either trust more in the arm of flesh (human strength), or in the LORD your God. Judas trusts the arm of flesh and fortifies. (v.47-50) He trusts…
BIG IDEA: There are things we can do to grow closer to Christ.
Big Idea: The Good Shepherd knows what's coming and still goes before us.
BIG IDEA: This supper points to something new. *Four features of the supper: The premise of the supper. (v.26a) The pictures of the supper. (v.26b-28) The promise of the supper.…
BIG IDEA: Betrayal was part of the plan. *6 mentions of betrayal: The price of betrayal. (v.14,15) The partnership of betrayal. (v.16-20) The prophecy of betrayal. (v.21-23) The providence of…
BIG IDEA: Jesus deserves right worship. *Seven features of right worship: Right worship gathers because of Jesus. (v.6) Right worship is directed at Jesus. (v.7a) Right worship sacrifices for Jesus.…
BIG IDEA: King Jesus is in charge. *Two clues to prove it: His destiny doesn’t surprise (v.2) His detractors can’t subvert (v.3-5)