BIG IDEA: Salvation comes through hearing the proclamation of the God we know. *8 truths we proclaim about the God we know: He’s the God who made (v.24) He’s the…
BIG IDEA: The coming of Jesus means the coming of judgment. Four questions about the Day of Judgment: Who will be seated as the judge? Who will be summoned to…
The Big Idea: God restores the contrite.
BIG IDEA: God’s gracious goods are given for God’s greater glory.
BIG IDEA: Be ready. 3 ways to be ‘ready’: Be faithful in feeding and caring for Christ’s people. (24:45-51) Be faithful in preparing your heart for Christ’s coming. (25:1-13) You…
Big Idea: Loving God means doing what He commands.
Part of experiencing the love of God is experiencing the discipline of God.
THE BIG IDEA: Love as God has loved you. *6 things Jesus teaches us about godly love: The prescription to love. (v.12a) The pattern of love. (v.12b) The pinnacle of…
The Big Idea: Stay awake. Be ready. *3 ways to be ‘ready’: Be faithful in feeding and caring for Christ’s people. (v.45-51) Be faithful in preparing your heart for Christ’s…