Honor Such Men BIG IDEA: The greatest honor among the people of God should be shown to the greatest servants among the people of God. *Christ’s greatest servants are… Christ’s greatest servants are those who are submitted to the will of God. Those who are concerned for the welfare of others. (v.19-21) Those who prove themselves by faithfulness in following Christ. (v.22-26) Those who risk their lives for the work of Christ. (v.27-30) Partnership in the Gospel 4 views You may also like 56:50 Stand Firm Thus in the Lord Partnership in the Gospel Join in Imitating Me Partnership in the Gospel 49:53 The Prize of the Upward Call of God Partnership in the Gospel 52:13 The Righteousness from God That Depends on Faith, Part 2 Partnership in the Gospel 39:21 The Righteousness from God That Depends on Faith, part 1 Partnership in the Gospel 46:45 Among Whom You Shine as Lights in the World Partnership in the Gospel 39:17 For it is God Who Works in You Partnership in the Gospel