Seek And Save – Luke 19:1-10 The Big Idea: Jesus was true to His mission. Join us today for our guest speaker, Paster Mike Gleason. Today Pastor Gleason teaches us about Zacchaeus and his interaction with our Lord who invited Himself to stay at Zacchaeus home. Misc Sermons 7 views You may also like Wisdom for Proper Perspective Misc Sermons 45:20 Enduring Trials Requires Wisdom Misc Sermons 36:02 Will You be Ready? Misc Sermons “Count it All Joy” Misc Sermons 30:39 “Experiencing God” Misc Sermons 33:21 “Seven Basic Disciplines for Christian Living” Misc Sermons 57:36 I Proclaim To You Misc Sermons 31:25 A Picture of a Contrite Heart – Part 3 Misc Sermons 32:49 A Picture of A Contrite Heart Pt. 2 Misc Sermons 35:45 The Way of The Righteous and The Wicked Misc Sermons 1234»Page 1 of 4