The End Is Not Yet We continue our study of the book of Matthew in our series, “Discovering King Jesus.” In this sermon, we learn 3 “when’s” about the end. Discovering King Jesus 4 views You may also like 48:13 Then The End Will Come Discovering King Jesus 56:42 The One Who Endures Discovering King Jesus 54:30 There Will Not Be Left Here One Stone Discovering King Jesus 47:22 How Often I Would Have Gathered Your Children Discovering King Jesus 44:36 How Are You to Escape Being Sentenced To Hell? Discovering King Jesus 48:13 First Clean The Inside Discovering King Jesus 47:11 You Blind Guides Discovering King Jesus 45:21 You Shut The Kingdom Of Heaven In People’s Faces Discovering King Jesus 50:12 Not What They Do Discovering King Jesus 40:35 What Do You Think About The Christ? Discovering King Jesus «12345…15»Page 3 of 15