The Imperial Summons – Matthew 4:18-25 We invite you today to listen to part 10 of our series in Matthew, DISCOVERING KING JESUS. Today we learn six ways that four men followed Jesus. Discovering King Jesus 31 views You may also like 40:35 What Do You Think About The Christ? Discovering King Jesus 47:05 You Shall Love Discovering King Jesus 50:41 You Are Wrong Discovering King Jesus 55:27 The Things That Are God’s Discovering King Jesus 55:29 The Wedding Feast Discovering King Jesus 50:45 The Stone That The Builders Rejected Discovering King Jesus 42:31 Finally He Sent His Son Discovering King Jesus 43:14 The Will Of His Father Discovering King Jesus 40:31 Who Gave You This Authority? Discovering King Jesus 56:40 If You Have Faith Discovering King Jesus «123456…15»Page 4 of 15