The Same Mind in the Lord BIG IDEA: Think and Act like Christians— as those known by their LOVE, JOY & PEACE. *Three questions answered by the mature Christian life: What LOVE looks like. (v.2,3) How JOY is always possible. (v.4,5) Why PEACE is the necessary result. (v.6,7) 2 views You may also like 56:50 Stand Firm Thus in the Lord Partnership in the Gospel Join in Imitating Me Partnership in the Gospel Wisdom for Proper Perspective Misc Sermons 49:53 The Prize of the Upward Call of God Partnership in the Gospel 52:13 The Righteousness from God That Depends on Faith, Part 2 Partnership in the Gospel 39:21 The Righteousness from God That Depends on Faith, part 1 Partnership in the Gospel 54:12 Honor Such Men Partnership in the Gospel 45:20 Enduring Trials Requires Wisdom Misc Sermons 36:02 Will You be Ready? Misc Sermons 37:08 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service The Impossible 123…25»Page 1 of 25